Practise grammar with plastic cups

αρχείο λήψης (6)

I came across this game in an ESL blog. The idea was to practise simple past and present perfect while playing with plastic cups: you divide students in 2 (or more) teams. You write an irregular verb on each cup (e.g. go). Students have to remember and say the two additional forms (i.e. went, gone) of the verbs in order to win the cup and stack it on the tower.  Naturally, the highest tower wins!

Of course you can use it in every language classroom. I can think for example a pretty similar use in the German language classroom.  In French there is only one past form that students need to remember (participe passé) so -in order to make the game more challenging- you could demand the whole passé composé of the verb as the right answer (e.g. you put “aller” on the cup and students should come up with “je suis allé” in order to win.  To make things more demanding with older students you can put other tenses or forms in the game. For example you can write some common french irregular verbs on cups and ask for the imparfait and the futur (or subjonctif – imperatif e.t.c)

You can even place more than one words on cups. Then students should create sentences to win (e.g: hier/aller/École:  “Hier, Je suis allé à l’école!”

If you stick images on cups you can even practise vocabulary, there are so many possibilities with this game

If the students knock the tower down they have to start over!

 Of course you can think of your own rules to make the game easier, harder or less noisy!  Good luck!

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